Why subscribe to The Bell?

This is your weekly invitation to discuss the pursuits that make life special. It’s a celebration of getting dressed, making dinner, having a party, decorating your home, and taking a trip as creative acts that are important and worthwhile.

It’s for anyone interested in living with elegance, timelessness, fun, whimsy, old-world beauty, and building in-person relationships in an increasingly digital world.

Where can you read the newsletter?

Every new edition of The Bell goes directly to your inbox (just make sure to drag it into your Primary inbox if it lands in Spam or Promotions!) and shows up in your Substack feed, too.

You can always manage your subscription settings at janebouet.substack.com/subscribe.

Subscribe to The Bell

A weekly invitation to discuss the pursuits that make life special. Grab a flute of something bubbly and make yourself at home!